We have several custom super-resolutions system available for use by both internal and external collaborators. If you're interested in testing a sample or setting up a more serious collaboration please don't hesitate to contact us.

Custom STED
Our custom STED is setup for fast imaging off the cover glass. The microscope features a 16 kHz resoance mirror for fast imaging and reduced photo bleaching. We have both 100X oil and 100X silicone oil immersion lenses to better match the sample's mounting media. We have fixed excitation wavelengths at 405, 488, 590, and 650 nm for optimal STED performance and a white light laser for additional excitation channels. Our depletion laser is at 775 nm for working with far red and long stokes shift dyes. Our detection channels are centered at 550, 620 and 700 nm. This allows us to have two STED channels (620 and 700 nm) and a third channel for DAPI or GFP confocal imaging. For best results we recommend the following probes:
Far Red
Sir (more info from NEB)
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss using the STED.

PALM / STORM / DNA-PAINT Line Scanning
Our single objective camera based system is setup for 2D localization based super-resolution imaging. This microscope uses a focused line of light, scanned across the sample, in combination with an electronic slit on the camera to act like a confocal microscope and provide optical sectioning. This enables background suppression in thick samples where out of focus background would otherwise prohibit imaging. This system can also be used with conventional wide-field illumination and astigmatism for 3D imaging. Excitation lines are available at 405, 488, 546, 560 and 642 nm.
Please contact us to discuss what fluorophores would be best for your application.

4Pi-SMS V1 - Cells and Thin (< 10 µm) Tissue
Following on our previous work, our 4Pi-SMS V1 system is designed to deliver superior isotropic 3D nanometer resolution over whole cell thicknesses. This microscope is ideally suited to applications in cultured cells where only the best resolution will do. Excitation lines are available at 405, 488, 546, 560 and 642 nm.
Please contact us to discuss what fluorophores and methods would be best for your application.

4Pi-SMS V2 - Cells and Tissue (> 10 µm)
We realized there was a strong need for a 4Pi-SMS microscope based around water immersion lenses for better imaging in thicker samples. Building on our experience with the 4Pi-SMS V1 (above) we designed a system using 60X water immersion lenses that had a smaller footprint and would be better suited for "thicker" samples by using a line scanning confocal excitation / detection geometry to introduce optical sectioning for better background suppression. Excitation lines are available at 405, 488, 546, 560 and 642 nm.
Please contact us to discuss what fluorophores and methods would be best for your application.

Dual Color Spinning Disk
Our two color spinning disk has a range of objectives available depending on the required field of view and resolution. Excitation lines are available at 405, 488, 546, 560 and 642 nm. One detection channel is fixed for far-red probes (700/70) while the second channel can be easily switch between DAPI / GFP or probes in the "orange" wavelength range.

Laser Cutter
If you're interested in making any simple microfluidic chambers or custom cut gaskets our laser cutter may be of interest. For more details on the laser cutter check here.