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Over the last years we've slowly been developing a LabVIEW based package for controlling custom camera based microscopes. We're currently using this to run our single objective SMS system, both our 4Pi microscopes, and our spinning disk. Our package uses a modular approach to make adding or changing functionality and / or hardware much less cumbersome.


The Microscope-Control software is available for anyone to use, or contribute to, by downloading or cloning the Microscope-Control repository on GitHub found at


We also have a YouTube channel with some tutorials to help getting started. These can be found at:


Short conceptual overview of the software and its architecture. This is a good starting point if you'd like to get an overview of the project.

A first look at the organizational structure of the repository. This gives an overview of each folder, what's inside each folder, and points out some key components locations.

If you're setting up a 4Pi-SMS, this video walks thru connecting to your PI stages with PIMikroMove to confirm everything is working as expected. If you're not setting up a 4Pi-SMS you can skip this video.

If you're setting up a 4Pi-SMS, this video walks thru installing a virtual driver for your E-501 / E-621 / E-816 chassis so LabVIEW can send serial commands to this device. If you're not setting up a 4Pi-SMS you can skip this video.

When setting up the software to run with your system you need to create a configuration file the tells the software what hardware is connected and what the port / ID / axis information is for each device. This video walks thru setting up a configuration file for a 4Pi-SMS.

After you've setup your configuration file, you need to confirm all the devices are connecting with LabVIEW correctly. The easiest way to test the connections is with the Device Panel module. This video walks thru what the Device Panel is, where is is, and testing all the connections for a 4Pi-SMS with the Device Panel.

©2020 by Gurdon Super Resolution Lab

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