An introduction to optical super-resolution microscopy for the adventurous biologist
J. Vangindertael, R. Camacho, W. Sempels, H. Mizuno , P. Dedecker, and K. P. F. Janssen
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 6:022003 (2018)
This is a great overview of super resolution methods targeted at biologists. The article includes an introduction with a short history of the microscope and a basic primer on optics before moving on to more advanced topics.
A quick guide to light microscopy in cell biology
K. Thorn
Molecular Biology of the Cell 27(2):219-222
Short overview of light microscopy for cell biology. A nice guide to the major concepts.
The cell biologist’s guide to super-resolution microscopy
G. Jacquemet, A. Carisey, H. Hamidi, R. Henriques, and C. Leterrier
Journal of Cell Science 133:jcs240713
Easy to read summary of major super-resolution methods highlighting key advantages and disadvantages.
Super-resolution microscopy demystified
L. Schermelleh, A. Ferrand, T. Huser, C. Eggeling, M. Sauer, O. Biehlmaier, and G. Drummen
Nature Cell Biology 21:72-84 (2019)
Guide to selecting a super-resolution method based on the biological question.
Chemistry of Photosensitive Fluorophores for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy
F. Jradi and L. Lavis
ACS Chemical Biology 14:1077-1090 (2019)
Nice chemistry primer on probe choice in localization based microscopy. Includes a nice table summarizing fluorescent proteins and their properties.
Precisely and accurately localizing single emitters in fluorescence microscopy
H. Deschout, F. Zanacchi, M. Mlodzianoski, A. Diaspro, J. Bewersdorf, S. Hess, and K. Braeckmans
Nature Methods 11(3):253-266 (2014)
A more technical review of localization precision for imaging and single particle tracking.
Tutorial: guidance for quantitative confocal microscopy
J. Jonkman, C. Brown, G. Wright, K. Anderson, and A. North
Nature Protocols 15:1585–1611 (2020)
Overview of confocal microscopy and important considerations for quantitative imaging.
About samples, giving examples: Optimized Single Molecule Localization Microscopy
Angélique Jimenez, Karoline Friedl, Christophe Leterrier
Methods 174:100–114 (2019)
Detailed information about cell culture, cover glass cleaning, antibody selection and imaging workflow for super-resolution microscopy.
Appreciating the small things in life: STED microscopy in living cells
Alexander Stockhammer and Francesca Bottanelli
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54:033001 (2021)
A nice guide to live cell STED imaging including a table summarizing live cell compatible STED dyes and relevant combinations for multi-color imaging.